Your dreams deserve to be in the V.I.P. lounge! Stop keeping them in the waiting room!


If you want the word outside yourself to change, you need to change the world within.


The skills of persuasion and influence can help you change the world!



My gift to the world is empowering people to step out of the shade and into the sun! 

I was confident from the get go, however my poor sense of self worth was slowing me down. My courage and my fear were in constant battle. I wanted to be that person who is able to stand in front of everyone and anyone and not have my knees shake, not one inch. 

I started training public speaking - and NLP, Relationship Intelligence, Positive Intelligence, Influence etc - and my world changed. To be more exact - I changed my inner world with specific methods, techniques, tools & tricks. 

My inner voice changed from critical to motivational and today I help my speakers, my clients get the same results. 



There are two stages you need to master - the stage outside and the stage within. You are leading your audience using your words into a decision. You motivate & inspire them. And, you also lead your inner world with your thoughts. Never forget that.
If you want to be a master communicator you need both worlds to be congruent. This is the path towards charisma and that awesome stage presence you want as a speaker. As a leader. And a business person.
Speaking is a skill we use every day - and it's easy to retrain your voice so you can be a master communicator - if you put in the time to practice! 

GET the E-BOOK and Master your Inner Dialogue!

This is the shortest and quickest way to transform your critical self-talk into a motivational BFF! Inside you will discover 2 powerful rules and 6 transformative practices that will change your life

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Have you achieved everything you want to achieve in your lifetime? I bet there's still dreams in your foresight! 

Mastering public speaking skills - and inner dialogue skills - have helped me deal with both my perfectionist and procrastinator. I launched. I published. I designed and delivered! And finally went international!

My voices launched podcasts & courses. They published books and spoke at conferences, business events. They create social media channels & videos. They are crushing it and so could you! 

Hm.. why don't you tell me what's holding you back? Book a free 30 min call... 


Check out available time for you and I to have a e-coffee and discuss your hopes and your dreams for the near by future. I'd love to help you on your speaking path!


"Burnout was just around the corner for me working as a sales manager at a tech start-up. I had a presentation in Barcelona, and I couldn't face going on stage. My energy wasn't right - however, I knew I had to prepare in time. So I contacted Meta, and we set up four sessions - 2 for content design and 2 for delivery. I was in awe during the first session as she completely redefined my WHY. All of a sudden, it stopped being about me. We created fantastic stories together that helped the potential customer see the future through the perspective of our company's innovation. I was excited and, at the same time, re-energised. My passion for change in the world reignited. I couldn't believe that not only did she help me design an excellent presentation and teach me how to deliver with fabulous presence - she lifted my year-long burnout in just two darn coaching sessions! You will love working with Meta, as she is one of a kind!."

Rosi Bremec, Helping Organisations Lead With Data & Build A Data Culture

"Meta is probably the most direct coach I ever worked with. She listens carefully and then gives frank feedback with super concrete advice on how to improve. If you want to truly level-up you pitching/speaking/sales game, she is the go-to person. Along the way, she will also fix your emotional state of mind before going on stage. Call her or die tryin'!"

Tilen Travnik, Turning 🌱 into 🥩 for foodies that care. Co-founder & CEO @ Juicy Marbles