Your nerves get the better of you. You know you are not the most impactful version of you. You know there’s much to be gained personally and professionally if you level up your public speaking game. Let me help you!

Investing in public speaking skills now pays dividends in the future!

Your first step can be to subscribe to my newsletter and get the 7 Public Speaking Essentials and The Art of Persuasion Video Masterclass deliverd straight into your inbox!

Speak with Confidence

Overcome that imposter syndrome, stage fright, nervousness and empower your inner voice so your next presentation, meeting, video, interview, podcast will never stress you out again. 

Speak as a Leader 

Let’s you and I deep dive into your speaking skills, analyze your performance, empower and upskill you with practical tips & trick to help you become that inspirational charismatic leader you know you are.

Speak to get Sales

Together we will fire up your presentation with next level speaking tips & tools of persuasion and influence to generate that sales result you are after for your business.


Read my story  ➝

Why work with me...


I bring you 20 years of experience in the art and science of public speaking alongside sales, marketing and biz dev experience where persuasion matters the most!

I have helped startups and companies all over the world design & deliver impactful presentations with measurable results!

I have a special talent in helping you level up exactly where you need it the most by my amazing “show, don’t tell” technique!

Above all else, my special talent is fixing up your mindset in a way that will allow you to bring your full self to the stage and leave your inner perfectionist at home…

I call my speakers Future Voices as your impact is designed to shape the future - for people, for organisations, for the world.

Read my full story ...

Trusted by Leaders

"The journey with Meta really impressed me!"

"Because of her focus, exceptional systematicity in how she passes her knowledge to us, and above all, because of her coaching. Meta tells you for every movement, for every breath, for every word, how it can be improved!"


Here's how you can work with me...

Let me help you nail your pitch!

In 4 weeks I will help you and your team design & deliver your upcoming talk or presentation for an industry event. 

Together we will set the aim for measurable results, design the content structure, shape stories and lastly practice practice practice on your delivery!

Many startups and entrepreneurs have done extremely well with my help.. check out their testimonials...

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Let me empower your inner influence!

You can work with me 1:1 on your inner influence meaning we tame that imposter syndrome, retrain your inner voice confidence, self esteem and personal worth helping you stop flying under the radar!

Inner dialogues are my speciality. Many expert leaders and entrepreneurs in a way lead a double life. Confident on the outside, bitchy perfectionist / procrastinator inner critics on the inside. 

Stop this nonsense, and start living your "happy ever after"...

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Let me upskill your team in persuasion skills!

I love to help your top tier talent turn their existing presentation skills into persuasion skills.

In a couple days your team will be working on your business, sharing their ideas with other departments while they level up in speaking skills, storytelling skills, storyselling slills, persuasion skills and leadership skills.

Companies I worked with keep on using the content we create together for social media, marketing and pr...

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Check out available time for an e-coffee to discuss your needs & wants!